What MasterMinding Can Do For You
Welcome guest blogger Mary Robinson Reynolds. Listen to Mary’s podcast interviews on the Creativity, Thinking & Education Podcast, December 6 and 13, 2016.
Why you are here and what you desire are the same thing.
This is the search that only the soul can make and reveal to you.
-Mary Robinson Reynolds
A group of middle-aged business men and women gather for lunch at the local diner. They have come for nourishment and connection. Whether or not they realize it, they are seeking spiritual sustenance and longing for the answers to radically new desires:
Work less. Slow down. Stop multi-tasking.
Listen to your heart and soul.
A poll, reported in the Wall Street Journal, indicated that a majority of top executives making over $500,000 annually did not feel rich. For the most part, they felt insecurity and worry about a wide range of problems. This is an example of poverty consciousness in the midst of apparent prosperity.
There is a spiritual solution to every problem, and the good news is that you don’t have to figure it all out by yourself. Certainly you have the power to be, do and have all that your heart desires. But have you noticed how difficult it is to keep yourself focused, motivated and committed toward those long term goals that you say you want?
By taking this time to learn about MasterMinding, you’re acknowledging your desire to really begin living and enjoying life, freed from the constant negative obsessions with money, time, health and relationships.
If you ever think you are too small to be effective, then you have never been in bed with a mosquito.
– Betty Reese
There are times we forget who we are, what we’re made of; or we struggle to know the purpose for which we’ve been born. That’s why it’s so important to build support into our lives with the spiritual goal achieving system known as MasterMinding. We are not too small to make a difference in the world. By infusing each week with MasterMinding sessions that help us remember this, we can deliberately and intentionally set goals to do the work we have come here to do.
As I have written in my free flash online movie, which you can view online at GodWantsYouToBeRich.com, “The very best thing you can do for the world is to make the most of yourself. You can serve God and man in no more effective way than by getting rich; that is, by getting rich through divinely inspired creativity and action.”
Your Soul Knows
Many have come to know and use the MasterMind Principle for goal setting, accountability, getting ideas and advice from your selected partners. And while that current practice is what it is, there is still so much more that MasterMinding really can do to bring you an incredibly fulfilling, joyous and rich life. In my MasterMinding 101 Online Course you will not only learn how to do a soul search for the rich life you seek, but how to bring your greatest desires into reality through the power of the MasterMind Principle in healing the areas of your life that are calling out to you.
In our society, we are not taught to listen to our soul. In fact we are taught to ignore the desires of our soul, believing we can’t have what we want anyway. We have been judged, shamed and ostracized for many of our desires. The result of this is that we have become either too constricted or too loose with money, time, responsibilities, commitments and love. We see “experts” shaming and berating people on national TV to “get them to do the right thing.” We are totally missing the mark on what’s trying to happen here. Desire means, “Of the Father,” and it is only through desire that we can find the way to bring our dreams in to reality.
We have not learned to be discerning between soul desire and the absence of a connection to our soul. And we don’t see the driving obsessions and addictions that this can bring into our lives and experiences. Therefore, we do not trust the soul when it is truly speaking to us, and so we disallow spirit to flow through us to make our way a whole lot easier.
People by and large haven’t been gently guided in their formal training as to how to support each other unconditionally and without resistance. They don’t know how to listen without judgement or worrying about what they are going to say next, as if that’s what’s important! We as a society have come to believe that the only real way to remain safe is to uphold and nurture “hard minded” perceptions and decisions that actually cause more harm than good. We haven’t been taught what it really means to practice harmlessness in the face of adversity.
I want you to know, and experience, just how easy listening can be when you don’t have to have all the answers, or be the expert or the policeman of what’s right, what’s wrong, good or bad. When utilizing MasterMinding as it was intended, you will come to know how to relax and learn to share from your hearts. You will then know how to listen to another’s desires of the heart, no longer believing that it’s your job to jump in, fix or rescue, or to hold someone accountable to what they said they wanted. You will begin to discover how to set healing in motion.
And the greatest thing about your MasterMinding is that it will filter into all areas of your lives, in communication with our spouses, children, co-workers, absolutely everybody. We’ve really just been making this all too hard.
Why doing a weekly soul search can bring your dreams into reality with ease:
Judith, a sixty-one year-old Land Specialist, brought MasterMinding to her closest colleague, and in agreement together they set a spiritual goal for him to bring in a designated amount of new business. They committed to meeting weekly, and they rigorously set goals and made spiritual requests that his job be saved at a time when her company felt they needed to cut back. Within six months, he was closing more than enough properties to keep the company solvent.
In the midst of the economic decline, she has turned around more than ten impossible people and land purchase situations. She presently has the biggest land developer in the country financially committed to a very large project, and they are totally intrigued by how she is making things happen where there “appeared” to be no hope!
She has also easily reduced her weight by fourteen pounds.
In the past year, Gina, a forty-eight year-old administrative assistant in a major corporation, has been steadily meeting the goals she set out for herself, because of her weekly goal achieving MasterMinding sessions. She writes,
“I am now meeting my goals one step at a time. It has not been as hard as I thought it would be. It took some courage to trust myself and go for it. Here’s what I’ve done through MasterMinding and the power of my resolve:
- Lost sixteen pounds without dieting, just MasterMinding. Putting things in perspective helped me release the weight without dieting.
- MasterMinding also helped me take action regarding my twenty-eight year old step-son in taking charge of his life. He’s now out of the house having the adventure of his life!
- My brother in law, who went back to doing drugs, is now in drug rehab, and he’s found his spiritual connection, finally. He’s tried to depend on himself, and he now realizes that there is definitely something greater trying to happen.
- The peace that came at the moment of my resolve, after the MasterMind Session, was indescribable, and I found that I had a skip to my step that I haven’t had in years. MasterMinding gave me the approval I needed to believe in myself and to set energy in motion. My marriage is also back on track, and Life Is Good.”
Judith and Gina are “masterminders,” someone who joins with another in agreement to achieve goals that previously have seemed unobtainable. Inviting your inner spirit into your weekly meetings in order to achieve new outcomes to old redundant problems gives life rich meaning. When you make time for a weekly soul search, you begin to be true to yourself and begin to journey down the road less traveled into a most extraordinary life filled with all that you desire.
The reason why so many people are not achieving their financial, personal or health/weight goals, is not because they aren’t trying hard enough or aren’t disciplined enough. The reality is that we are trying to do too much by ourselves, void of the support that could be available to us through the energy of MasterMind partners.
MasterMinding involves the recognition of a power greater than ourselves when two or more are gathered together, the third invisible mind – Infinite Intelligence – the MasterMind – God. Thousands of people have demonstrated dramatic, positive changes in their lives, and have experienced happy, successful living as a result of putting these principles into practice.
Here’s Why You Need MasterMinding.
You do, in fact, have the power within you to actualize whatever is at the heart of your deepest desire. And, in fact, you can do it all by yourself with enough focused effort. It’s true, and its being proven every day in a bazillion places throughout the world.
Your mind is an incredible goal seeking mechanism. But you and I have had an extensive education, with reinforcing experiences, about not listening to our soul’s desires, because we have believed that we can’t have what we really want, therefore we shouldn’t want it, or let our feelings out, or know what we know. Because, if we do this, we’ll just get ourselves hurt and disappointed, again.
We tend to only set goals that we “think” are possible, which means we are most likely still trying hard not to hear the whisperings of our soul. Our inner spirit is speaking to us, and if its guidance is bigger than what we currently see as “realistic” we tend to dismiss it rather than bring it out and turn it into a request.
So for every positive thought and soul desire that we have, we often have a contradicting thought and fear. We do have the internal resources to deal with this, and we can ultimately do it all by ourselves. Or, we can partner up with one or more other individuals who are also exhausted with doing it all by themselves, and begin to learn how incredibly awesome the energy of combined Mind-Soul Power is.
You can be helping each other experience one hundred percent unconditional approval, which will launch each of you with new energy and a sense of ease to pursue your deepest passions and dissipate your biggest dragons.
And here’s something you can look forward to: as you learn to be unconditionally approving of your partner’s soul desires, you will be able to hear your own more brilliantly.
A Spiritual Life Achieving System
MasterMinding calls for no “hard labor.” It calls for no sacrifice. It does not require one to become ridiculous or incredulous. To apply it calls for no great amount of education. But it does call for sufficient imagination and approval to enable one to see for another and to understand for another that the accumulation of riches in any form cannot be left to chance, good fortune or luck.
You will be learning how to specifically utilize your own personal power, along with the power and the energy of others, to lift yourself to new heights toward your soul’s goals. You will learn how to gently poke around your souls’ deepest desires, and the conflictual data stored in your psyche, making it all so much easier on everybody!
I just love making things happen through MasterMinding, especially big, thrilling, impossible dreams. I truly am a woman who practices MasterMinding weekly, and have as my experience immense freedom from lack and limitation. I love to lift others into the exploration of their souls, to accomplish that same mastery, and a whole lot more. It is my greatest desire that through giving you specific, easy to use tools, you and your MasterMind partners will find your way back to your inherent power.
At the outset, my program identifies the most important mental, physical and spiritual components of consistent success, through the fundamental concepts of:
- truly hearing and acknowledging your soul’s desire;
- applying less effort for more results;
- knowing that you never have to do it alone;
- the power of decision backed by desire;
- the physics of desire is energy in motion;
- developing unusual clarity;
- interpreting intuition;
- understanding that disrupting your habits determines a different and intentionally better future;
- matching your actions to what you say you want, i.e., intend;
- and using a “no exceptions policy” approach to focus on what you want.
Of all the self-help programs and books I have authored, I have particularly enjoyed writing this one because it is has the scientific research and explanations of physics as they connect with the spiritual. The information I bring to you explains exactly how the power of deciding, the emotion of desiring, and the making of formal requests actually sends energy in motion. A highly targeted request, backed by the emotion of desire, is what brings a goal, the soul’s desire, into reality.
MasterMinding, as I have come to understand and practice it, has a spiritual foundation that bypasses all lack and limitation, and it uses time tested strategies that really work, if you will work them.
I love the stories I receive from people who have lived with impossible situations, then attended one of my workshops or read my book and tried MasterMinding for a while. Their results are miraculous!
I use all of these techniques in my own life, and I now have more free time than I ever had before. It’s exciting to be able to work less and accomplish more. I have better health, more vacations, stability in my family, children who are excelling because it’s fun and so much easier for them when we MasterMind together. We have more joy and more financial success; all of this just because I have MasterMinded regularly for over twenty years.
My system for MasterMinding is a practical, no-nonsense guide that really gets down and shows you how to utilize the MasterMind Principle to do a regular soul search. Through this honest search, you will be lifted into states of awareness and energy which will directly affect your ability to reach your business, personal and financial goals for a rich life, without getting burned out in the process.
I have drawn from over two decades of my personal experiences, through my most intense and darkest hours, using MasterMinding to fine-tune what “Goal Getting” really means, as it relates to the requests of your soul. I will show how, once these requests are examined and fine-tuned regularly in the MasterMind session, we are literally setting in motion the energy which creates worlds. I will weave my story, and a treasury of my personal insights into MasterMinding that will be healing for you in your journey to riches.
Genuine healing is frequently unexpected and radical,
seemingly out of the blue,
and often depends not on what we do
but on how we choose to be.
– Larry Dossey
According to Webster’s Dictionary the word rich means: 1) owning much money or property; wealthy 2) well-supplied 3) valuable or costly 4) full of choice ingredients, as butter or sugar 5) abundant 6) yielding in abundance, as soil 7) very amusing.
It is my intention and deepest desire, that you amass great wealth from utilizing the principles in MasterMinding101.com – Know What You Want & Get It Online Course, that you become as well-supplied as your soul wants you to be, and that, as a result of your victory, find life very amusing!
I strongly encourage you, as you invest your time and money in this book, to heighten your mindfulness about your truest desires and the energy you are putting in motion. Don’t wait! Make a little bit of time here and there to begin using the strategies in this book, and then write to me and share the results you get in your life.
Here’s to your richest life imaginable and beyond!